Friday, December 11, 2009

Research Poster Presentations

We just finished our research poster presentations this week, and it was very interesting. I enjoyed seeing everybody's creative side and talking to people about the technologies they found. One technology that stuck out to me was the tiny bluetooth device that goes inside your ear. It is a great idea and very useful, but I would be afraid to put it in my ear for fear of causing some sort of complication or damage. I'm sure I would be more inclined to buy the tiny bluetooth device because it is not as bulky and noticeable as the current ones on the market. Another one I remember seeing is the phone app where you take a picture and it makes it into a postcard for you. I think that was really neat, and I would definitely use it. It would cut down on time and cost. Also, it makes the postcard more personalized which is cool too. Google music was another technology that was presented. I always have trouble figuring out the name of a song, so if I could just type in a few words that I actually remember and Google music would find it for me, that would be great!

I presented my technology today. I researched about Square which is an iPhone-based payment processing system. Basically, it's a little device that you plug into the audio output of your iPhone that allows you to instantly swipe a credit/debit card and make a transaction! It's really neat because it's efficient, cuts down on paper costs, and it is environmentally friendly. Once you swipe the card, Square will e-mail your receipt which is great for easy record-keeping. Also, Square will donate one penny of every transaction to a charity of your choice. It has a great impact on society because it moves us one step closer to a cashless society. It allows street vendors, small business owners, and festival attendees to become more efficient and successful. Sometimes people don't always have cash on hand at these sort of locations, so it would be easy for vendors and owners to whip out the Square and make a quick transaction. Especially if they are in an unexpected location. I can just think of a Mary Kay representative selling makeup to her would be so easy for her to make these transactions using Square instead of dealing with so much cash. It can be used for personal use as well like when you owe a friend money for buying a ticket or something. I'm excited to see how successful it will be when it is released into the marketplace!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cuil & Social Search

I think Cuil is pretty neat. Basically it's a social search that allows you to see information from people who are in your network. If you search "travel," then Cuil will detect people's statuses and profiles who are in your network. It's helpful because you can connect with people who are experts, people who share similar interests, or people who have had experiences that interest you. It is a little scary too though because it blurs the lines of privacy. I'm not sure if I want my status updates and whatnot to show up in a search engine for all the world to see. I recognize how this can be useful, but I'm not sure if I would use it. It's like Google but allows you to search the profiles of people in your network.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Google Chrome

I just read about Google's new operating system Chrome OS. I'm not sure I completely understand what it is all about, but it seems like it will be a newer and more efficient web browser. Maybe even more than that since it's an operating system as well. It has capabilities that allow you to access your personalized files/apps from any web device (cloud computing). It opens up Excel files on the browser. It integrates Google docs, Gmail, etc. I'm not the most technologically savvy person, so I think I would understand Google Chrome better when it is released in the marketplace and when I can actually use it myself. It is expected to release during next year's holiday season. Basically, it rivals Microsoft's Windows operating system. I'm a fan of Google, so I will be looking forward to hearing more about Google Chrome.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Contact Lenses that Respond to Light

My group and I did our technology pitch on contact lenses that respond to UV light. They are similar to the transition eyewear that has been around for 30 years or so now. The UV responding contact lenses are being researched by The Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology in Singapore and might be on the market in Japan and Korea in one year. I do not wear glasses or contact lenses myself, but I think it would be a great thing to have in order to protect your eyes from the sun. Athletes who prefer to wear contact lenses over glasses would benefit greatly from transition contact lenses. It is hard for football players to wear glasses with their helmets, so most wear contact lenses. The sun can still interfere with the player's game though. But with transition contact lenses, the lense would respond to the UV light within 30 seconds and protect the player's eyes. Anyway, it will be interesting to see how these turn out...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

the Droid

So, Verizon's Droid just came out. Looks like it might be a tough competitor for AT&T's iPhone. I read a lot about it, and there are definitely some advantages to the Droid. Personally, I don't know too much about how comparable it is to the iPhone, but from what I've read it seems pretty cool. It has a QWERTY keyboard which is cool, because I'm used to that on my Blackjack II. I've always been weary about typing on the iPhone screen keypad. Apparently you can run up to 6 apps at once...I don't think the iPhone can do that. The Google operating system sounds good. Another major advantage over the iPhone is the Droid status bar. The iPhone has a pop up screen when you receive a message which usually interrupts the current activity. Supposedly, the coverage is better too since it's with Verizon. All in all, it seems like a great phone that may encourage Verizon users to think twice when they want to break their contract and head for AT&T's iPhone. It might even make me consider switching TO Verizon in April, but we will see. One thing I will note, the advertising for the Droid was pretty amazing. I never usually pay attention to all the different new phones that come out, but I did with the Droid. It may not be beneficial in the long run for Verizon though because there was a LOT of iPhone-bashing in their ads. Rumor has it that the iPhone was supposed to become available at Verizon sometime in the near future. Don't know how that partnership will turn out now though...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I really want an iPhone. I have AT&T and all, but I am just waiting until I'm up for renewal so I can get an iPhone. I've been reading a lot lately on all the cool apps they have for iPhone. There's one in particular I read about on the MIT Tech Review. It's called, and it's basically a language-learning appplication. It's different from other similar programs or apps because it finds multiple ways to present the info to the user and in what context. It also uses images and sounds which I think are really useful. In my opinion, using images and sounds is more effective because it allows the brain to associate the image or sound directly with the foreign word. The way most learn a language is translating what the image or sound is in english then to the foreign language which is not very efficient. Training the brain to instantly associate the image/sound with the foreign language is much quicker and more helpful to learning the language. also has a social aspect to it. It allows users to add their own lists and comment on other user's list as well. Sounds awesome. Just one more reason why I need to get the iPhone...!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Humans vs. Zombies

There is this live-action game called Humans vs. Zombies which is basically a game of tag, but it involves a ton of people. Purdue is arranging HvZ for next week. There are several callouts. Basically, there are a few original zombies and the rest of the players are humans. All zombies, except for the originals, wear headbands. Humans where armbands. When a zombie comes into contact with a human, they touch their armband and that person becomes a zombie. It is just a large-scale version of tag and sounds awesome! My roommate was just telling me about it. Apparently, it happens on college campuses and is basically organized online. Purdue has a Facebook group that has organized HvZ. It is interesting to see just how technology is used in this situation. A campus-wide game of tag has been organized in a week using social networking sites. Without technology, it would be difficult to arrange such a thing.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


There is this new plug-in for Facebook & Firefox that hides some of your information posted on Facebook from the public. It sounds kind of confusing to me. I am not sure if I fully understand it, but if you post your address for example, you can type "@@" in front of it to make it private. So, when people other than your friends view your profile, FaceCloak will insert some sort of random gibberish in place of it. Sounds like a good idea, but I am just wondering why people do not just adjust their privacy settings in the first place. There is an option on Facebook to have your profile only visible to Friends. Again, I am not sure if I am understanding it correctly, but it seems to be a good idea since there have been so many instances where students & professionals have gotten into trouble based on what they have posted on their Facebook profile.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So, I just got a Mac computer. I absolutely love it, but it has been difficult adjusting. It is completely different than a PC. I like it a lot better though. It seems faster. I have not figured out how to transfer all my pics, iTunes music, and documents to it yet. I guess I could just use a flash drive, but it would take an awful long time since I have so much stuff. I have a built-in mic and mircophone, so it's easier to use skype and talk with my fiance anytime. I really want to buy Photoshop and maybe take a class to learn how to use it. I also would like to learn how to use iMovie. My Boiler Communications group shot a video/commercial and one of my group members used her Mac to edit the movie. It seems like a great and useful program. Anyway, I highly recommend Macs to anyone. I showed my mom my Mac, and she loved it. She is very computer illiterate, but I really think that Macs are easier than PCs. It just takes some practice to get used to it. _

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Hi! This week, I have been thinking a lot about Skype. I use Skype to chat with my fiance, family, and friends. Being able to use a webcam is pretty awesome. Sometimes I am just amazed at how far technology has come. It really helps to be able to actually see the person I am talking to instead of just talk with them over the phone. Webcams really break the communication barrier where we otherwise are unable to read facial cues. I did have one idea that I am sure will make its way into the industry at some point - integrating skype capabilities into cell phones! I think they have some form of video calling on landline telephones, but it would be awesome to have video calling on cell phones as well. I am sure it will be the iPhone that comes out with it next. It seems like Apple is constantly coming out with products that have been upgraded with a few new features. I always wonder why they can't just wait until they have a BUNCH of new features and THEN come out with the new product. I guess that's just the way the market works - when there's a technological breakthrough (however small), there's always an opportunity to make money $$.

Well, that's all for tonight. :]

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Boiler Com & AdSense

Hi everyone! This week has been busy. I am definitely counting down until October Break, haha! I am in Boiler Communications, a student-run public relations firm. My group and I just met with our client and were discussing ways to publicize his organization and events. Our client is Nameless Creek Youth Camp (located in Greenfield, IN). We are in the process of planning a Tailgate Event which is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, November 7th. We will have a 3-on-3 sand volleyball tournament, food, games, cornhole, and many other activities. We are hoping to attract Purdue students, high school students, local residents, and many other groups. Anyway, I volunteered to create a Facebook and/or Twitter page which I am really excited about. I have my own Twitter account that I created last Spring, but I never completely understood the point of it. For the organization, I think it will work a whole lot better for gaining publicity and that sort of thing, so I am anxious to get it started. The Facebook account will be fun as well. Our client just mentioned how helpful technology can be. Passing out flyers and putting ads in newspapers still helps, but creating a Facebook event and updating with 'Tweets' will definitely help get the word out about our event. Stay tuned for more info about the event!

I have also been reading about Google AdSense. My fiance is creating a website and was talking to me about AdSense and how it works. It's pretty interesting because basically, AdSense chooses ads to display on your site and it will generate revenue on a per-click basis. I'm excited to see how it will work out. The trick is creating a website that will be unique and appealing to internet users so that the site will see a lot of traffic. It sounds like a great way to make some extra cash! It seems like Google has just thought of everything. Like what we discussed in class on Monday about how you can acccess documents through Google docs...pretty cool!

Well, that's all for today. :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Club meetings & guest speakers offer great insight!

Today was a busy day despite having only one class. Lots of studying to do and a few club meetings as well. The club meetings I had were for Event Planning and Association of Women in Communication. Both of which had guest speakers today. We had a wedding planner come, and she offered some valuable insight into the event planning world, wedding and corporate. She talked a lot about Twitter and how it has become a very effective tool for her business. I set up a Twitter account last Spring but have not yet become a consistent user. A lot of people do not quite understand the point of it and opt instead to continue their use of Facebook and MySpace. The wedding planner, Ali Philips, said that it has been useful for her business because she can network and update people on event planning news, conferences, and advice. In such a busy and fast-moving society, I can see how it helps to use tools such as Facebook and Twitter to connect fast and easy with other people. At my other meeting, we had speaker Bill Page. He also offered some great tips and advice. He talked about Twitter and Facebook and stressed the importance of keeping up to date with up and coming social networking sites. Mr. Page also said it is important to know how to use programs such as Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and other visual communications tools. The public relations/advertising/graphic design industry has integrated itself and it is important to gain knowledge in all of these areas in order to be successful.

In every aspect of my life and education, I am encouraged to get involved and learn about technology. I am truly beginning to realize how much of an impact it has in the communications industry and in everyday life.

Another interesting tidbit I picked up today was that I needed to learn how to play golf and to stay current with sports. So much of business today is done outside of the office and the golf course is definitely a common place. Sports is a great topic that almost everyone keeps up with, and it is an easy way to establish common ground with people.

That's all for today! :]

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Link to Zeynep

First post!

I am writing this to test out my new blog for my class, Com 435. =]